🍾 New Year's Resolution 2025
Just putting them in writing this year, because why not?

I never really make the whole list of resolutions as I feel it's kind of for show, though I usually make some mental resolutions that I try to follow through with to keep me on track.
This year, I thought I would go ahead and write them down so I can check back in case I get off track. And yes, I figure some should just be a given, but why not put them on there anyway, and some with a little explanation?
- Get back to the Gym - Now that the route to work currently has less construction, I plan on trying to get back to the gym in the morning before work since I won't have to leave early to accommodate the drive.
- Lose a few pounds - I am sure it could be an argument about my eating habits, but I think I do a pretty good job, but I could do better. Losing weight starts in the kitchen, so I will try to tighten the belt on the fridge and snacks.
- Read / Listen to More Books - I spend most of my drives to and from work listening to Podcasts; while they help pass the time, they probably aren't doing much and are about the same as rotting my brain in front of the TV. I want to get through some books this year, maybe pick up some physical books and read them.
- Spring Cleaning, not just in the Spring - Since moving back to Michigan, I have accumulated a lot of extra "junk," I need to get back to a more minimal lifestyle with my belongings. I have started to horde cables, computer items, and clothing I will never wear again. It's time to let go and scale back… and then stay on that track, only picking up quality things, not quantity. So, for my computer friends out there, expect me to be bugging you about items I want to get rid of and when I can drop them off to you 😄
- Be a better me, Do something for others - Over the last few years, I have looked back at how I treat others and how I should try to help where I can. Whether it is assisting a stranger in grabbing something from the top shelf at the store or just reaching out to see how someone is doing. I want to do more of that going forward, especially reaching out, as you never know what kind of battles someone else is dealing with, and the check-in can go a long way for someone.
- Take on a project - This is geared towards the inner geek, but I want to take on a new tech project. While I work in IT, I haven't taken on a ME project, which gets the gears going mentally and creatively. One thing that comes to mind is redoing this site (I keep thinking of Hugo or Astro); I know it's not much, but I want to get my hands dirty with some code and styling. I have also thought about how learning a new coding language like Go or Python might be fun, as well as maybe creating an API that interacts with all of my Homelab services, etc.
- Learn a Language - This is kind of a project as well, but I figured it deserved its line. I took some introductions to Spanish in middle school and have never thought about it much since, except for the few trips to Mexico. I took Latin in high school, which was a complete waste of time, so I am not heading down that path again. But Spanish has started to pop into my thoughts recently, and I figure there is no better time than now, right?
- Write more - While that likely means here on the site, I also want to start journaling in Obsidian (My newly discovered note-taking app, thanks to Josh). It might be nice to look back at once in a while, if not for me, maybe for the kids someday when I am no longer around.
That seems more like a post than a simple list, but hey, it helps me think things out and explain them better than just a simple bullet list of what could be considered total nonsense. Let's see how much progress I make on this when I revisit it next year.
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